导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。coldplay的歌,coldplay歌词讽刺中国相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、When...


1、When it started we had high hopes刚开始我们兴致都很高Now my back’s on the line, my back’s on the ropes而现在我要完蛋,绳子把我高高吊When it started we were alright刚开始的时候我们都感觉还不算糟But night makes a fool of us in daylight但是黑夜让我们乱了神经末梢They were dying of frustration心里绝望有些乱Saying Lord lead me not into temptation说,上帝不要让我动邪念But it’s not easy when she turns you on但是当她挑起你的性欲时Sin, stay gone原罪?早就寻它不见!If you’d only, if you’d only say yes只要你。

2、敢说好吧Whether you will’s anybody’s guess不管你能否控制自己God, only God knows I’m trying my best天,只有天知道你已经竭尽全力But I’m just so tired of this loneliness但是我实在耐不住这种撩人的孤寂So up the picked me by the big toe所以他们拎着我的大脚趾I was held from the rooftop then they let it go站在房顶上让我自由落体Dizzily screaming ‘Let the windows down’我一边惊慌失措地喊道“快关窗户!”As I crawl to the ground一边一摔到底If you’d only, if you’d only say yes只要你,敢说好吧Whether you will’s anybody’s guess不管你能否控制自己God, only God knows she won’t let me rest天。

3、只有天知道她不会让你喘息But I’m just tired of this loneliness可是我实在是耐不住这种撩人的孤寂I’ve become so tired of this loneliness...我真的实在耐不住这种撩人的孤寂感觉不好翻译,参考一下就好。
